Rockport Conservation |
The Open Space Plan is available here. See question "Describe specific parcels in Rockport you would like the town to acquire for open space and what makes them unique for prioritization" beginning on page A-4.
OSRAC meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall Annex. Meetings begin with an opportunity for public questions and comments. |
The Conservation Commission is responsible for administering the Wetlands Protection Act and the Rockport Wetlands Protection By-law. It reviews proposed development projects in or near wetlands and other resource areas or within the 100-foot buffer zone of these resource areas. The Conservation Commission reviews plans, holds public hearings, conducts site visits and issues Determinations of Applicability and Orders of Conditions for proposed projects to ensure that these projects don’t impact resource areas protected by the Act or By-law. RCC meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in Conference Room A of the Rockport Town Hall. Meetings begin with an opportunity for public questions and comments. |
ROW meets each month (times vary) in Conference Room A of the Rockport Town Hall. Meetings begin with an opportunity for public questions and comments. |