Warrant Article

On the Town of Rockport Warrant for Annual Town Meeting, Saturday, May 15, 2021, endorsed by the Select Board and the Rockport Conservation Commission, the following article was passed by a more than 2/3 majority of Rockport voters:

"To see if the Town will vote to transfer for and dedicate to conservation, recreation and open space purposes in perpetuity the parcel of land identified on Assessors' Map 15 as Lot 92 and described in a deed recorded with the Essex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 5086, Page 363, which parcel shall be under the care, control and custody of the Conservation Commission under G.L. Chapter 40, Sections 8C, 15A subject to such rights of access as the Board of Selectmen may determine, and subject to the provisions of Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution; or take any other action relative thereto."

By so doing, Rockport preserved Andrews Woods "in perpetuity" under the care and custody of the Rockport Conservation Commission. The woods is maintained, in partnership, with a variety of local organizations, including Friends of Andrews Woods, Rockport Rights of Way Committee and the Cape Ann Trail Stewards.