The Meaning of Complex Numbers

You may still be wondeing: Why study complex numbers and complex arithmetic?

We've mentioned how complex numbers provide us with a new perspective on the real numbers. From an imaginary vantage point, the real line opens into the complex plane, and our well-beaten path along the reals is seen for what it is: A one-dimensional slice of a much bigger picture.

The benefits of this bigger picture, however, may be unclear at the moment. Indeed, many of the advantages of working with complex numbers can only be appreciated after one has some familiarity with the elements of calculus. Parts of calculus appear in greatly simplified form when viewed from a complex perspective. In precalculus, however, we find ourselves before our journey into calculus, and talk of complex numbers may seem premature.

Not so. Complex numbers allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the subject at the center of both precalculus and calculus: families of functions.

Here are just a few examples:

There is much more to be said about the complex numbers. If you're curious, and would like to find out more right away, you might look here.

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